Will I have homework?

Why Homework?
Homework is necessary to reinforce gained knowledge.
Does homework count?
Everything counts in this classroom, worth a test grade, 100 points.
When is it due?
Beginning of class the following day.
Where do I put homework?
In the personal file you retrieved for your class table.
Mrs. Williams Homework Policy
Dear parent(s)/guardian:Below is an explanation of the homework policy for our classroom.  Please review the policy with your student so that you better understand the expectations with regard to homework/out of class activities.  By following these guidelines, we can help be consistent teaching responsibility and practicing homework to increase your student’s learning.For your student to be successful completing homework/out of class activities, he/she needs:             Place to do homework. If possible, your student should do his/her homework in the same place (an uncluttered, quiet space—free from distractions). Laboratory classes may require students to volunteer services at another private/ public school/daycare.  If your student will not have personal transportation, please contact me at (318) 476-3360 or rwilliams@nat.k12.la.us .             Schedule for completing homework.  Ask your student daily if they have a homework assignment that particular day. Set a homework schedule that fits in with each week’s particular activities. It is best to do homework as soon as your student comes home—the later the less effective the student will be at completing assignments.             Encouragement, motivation, and prompting. It is not a good idea to sit with your student and do homework with and/or for him/her. I am asking parents to facilitate homework completion, not teach content. Please understand parents are not expected to be content experts. If a student needs help with content, that's a sign that the homework assignment may be too difficult.Your student needs to practice independently and apply what he/she has learned in class. If your student consistently cannot complete homework assignments alone, then I need to know this so I can adjust the task and/or activity accordingly.            Understanding of the knowledge. The purpose of our homework will be to deepen understanding of a concept—providing students time to read further, elaborating on a new idea and expanding their understanding or to prepare for the following day's learning, such as an advance organizer or cue to increase readiness for new information. If your student is working on a project, ask what knowledge he/she is using to complete the work. If your student consistently cannot answer these questions, please contact me at  (318) 476-3360 or rwilliams@nat.k12.la.us            Reasonable time expectations. Homework should be completed the night assigned. Dedication of time is important---A good rule of thumb is to multiply the grade x 10 to approximate the right amount of minutes per night for students. Example: If your student is in the 9th grade homework time should be spending 30 to 90 minutes per night. If your student is spending more than the rule of thumb time each night on homework, please contact me at (318) 476-3360 or rwilliams@nat.k12.la.us .            Bedtime. It is important that your student gets a good night’s sleep, including teenagers.            Feedback: I will review and give feedback for all homework assignments for both content and timeliness. If your child consistently turns in an assignment late, I will be contacting you to discuss and resolve this issue with you and your child. Please return this policy with the appropriate signatures, acknowledging that you have read and discussed the policy with your child. If you have any questions about expectations, please contact me as soon as possible.        __________________________           _______________________   ______________________    Â  Parent’s (or Guardian’s) Signature                 Student’s Signature                    Date